big blogging news
I would like to announce that I've moved to wordpress. This decision comes after noticing that a lot of the blogs I really like are on wordpress. Hey, if all the cool kids jumped off a cliff, I would to!
I'm excited about the move, even though it'll take me a while to master a new format. Please be patient I slowly learn how wordpress works. One good feature I can offer you right away, categories. Want to quickly take a look at my theatre reviews (you know you do) - just click on theatre. A future librarian's dream! Click on Alice to get to my new home, and don't forget to update your favorites page!
Blogger, it's been real...
I'm excited about the move, even though it'll take me a while to master a new format. Please be patient I slowly learn how wordpress works. One good feature I can offer you right away, categories. Want to quickly take a look at my theatre reviews (you know you do) - just click on theatre. A future librarian's dream! Click on Alice to get to my new home, and don't forget to update your favorites page!
Blogger, it's been real...