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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Pirates & Cream Puffs

Last night I had the pleasure of two treats; Erin and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and I checked out Beard Papa on Emily's recommendation. Emily read about Beard Papa in a magazine, and suggested we try it out. I was of course willing (as I always am as far as trying desserts is concerned), but I wasn't going to get too excited. It seems that almost food place in Manhattan has been written up somewhere as being fantastic, so I was definitely holding my judgment until I taste-tested for myself. I walked up to the movie theater by way of Beard Papa and picked up six cream puffs to go. They always have regular custard, and one specialty flavor. The special flavor didn't look good to me (can't even remember now what it was), so I just got regulars. It was fun watching the lady fill them up (they have a huge bin of the pastries, and when you order them, they fill them with custard and top them with powdered sugar), and they come in a cute box. Once Erin and I had our seats at the movie, we tried them, and let me assure you, they are noteworthy. The pastry is just a little crunchy, and the filling is just the right sweetness. Be sure to put this on the list of places to check out next time you're in town.

As for Pirates, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. That being said, I hate the title, it was too long, too confusing (this is coming from someone who regularly figures out supposedly sophisticated plot twists - why am I getting mixed up during a family film?), and Kiera was terrible. I might just have to see it again. Kudos to Johnny on mastering comedic running.


Blogger voyageuse said...

I thought he looked like Michael Moore too!

As for Pirates, here are some of my brief thoughts: I liked the first movie, but I think it was so good on accident. Lightning did not strike twice here. Why does Orlando say everything exactly the same way with the same vaguely heroic/tragic look on his face? I loved Johnny Depp in the first movie, but this time he was not nearly as entertaining (though his running triggered one of my only laughs of the film). Perhaps his novelty wore off? Perhaps now that he was nominated the producers allowed him to do absolutely anything he wanted and Johnny Depp actually should have someone to reign him in now and then? There were many plot holes and I found myself yawning and thinking "how long is this movie?" which I don't think was the intended effect. I honestly tried to throw up my hands and a have a good time, but it seemed like they were trying too hard to do they same things they'd already done. And Keira, why do I just not like her? Ever?

3:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6? Beard Papa definitly reccomends that you eat their cream puffs fresh or at least refrigerate them, not take them to a reportedly too long movie. I hope you ate the cream puffs during and I am so gratified that Newsweek did not steer you wrong. They are fairly cheap to, right? Like $1.50, or something. That seems like a reasonably-priced treat.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to say you had the pleasure of two treats: going to a movie with Erin and sharing cream puffs with Erin.

Oh well...

7:16 PM  

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