I'm not ashamed to admit that I enjoy reality television. I have always felt, however, that
Big Brother is beneath me. That is until last summer. Do you know how they got me? The Summer of Secrets.

I love secrets of any kind.

Last season featured secret rooms and riddles and puzzles; how could I resist? And then, of course, I got attached to some of the players. I thought it was all going to end last summer, but now, they've got me again. This summer they brought back my favorites (Janelle and Kaysar), so I'm stuck again. There's really nothing I can do about it. My hands are tied. If you want me, I'll be watching Big Brother three times a week.
I am ashamed of my attraction to some reality shows. Although I didn't see much of last years or this summer's BB, I know I like Kaysar, too.
Big Brother is just something that I cannot do (acutally, and ethically). Yuck. I can never support that.
Yay! I've found another BB fan and quite randomly at that. I just happened to be browsing blogs when I found yours.
Everything looks amazing by the way.
It's so good to see that I'm not the only one addicted to All Stars. (Live feeds are amazing by the way)
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