BLEAK HOUSE this week or "Give me a shake"

Never fear, my heart still belongs to Guppy, but this week I particularly enjoyed Mr. Smallweed with his "Give me a shake." Also, I'm worried that Guppy's going to the dark side, and I don't know how to stop him.
Erin says she doesn't know if she trusts John Jarndyce, fearing his motivations in such generosity to Richard, Ada, and Esther might not be entirely philanthropic. I'm choosing not to be so cynical, at least for now, and believe he's just a good man. I hope I'm proven right, because I like him.
Can we talk about the character of Esther Summerson for a moment? You all know I love her, of course, there's nothing else you can do. But this is a character we've seen before: Agnes from DAVID COPPERFIELD, Anne from PERSUASION, and the girl from ADAM BEDE jump to mind. So, what's the deal? Did there used to be a lot more angelic, humble women around, so everyone knew one? Is it a novel character device to offset the many absurd characters that Austen and Dickens like to fill their stories with? Just something I started thinking about tonight.

And for a completely non sequitur remark: last night I was buying produce at the grocery store, and I saw turnips. I have never eaten a turnip; don't know why. Have you ever eaten one? Is this something I should pursue, or should I be glad I've been spared the experience?
Have you not read Bleak House? I haven;t but I generally assume that you have read everything.
Your currently reading books change so fast--very impressive.
My firefox is not having a problem putting your links over the text today.
I'm flattered that you think I've read everything, but I assure you, that's far from true. I have not read Bleak House yet. I got a very slow start on Dickens due to the fact that the first book I read (after A Christmas Carol) was Hard Times, and it's pretty grim. Since then I've done Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, Nicholas Nickelby, and David Copperfield.
I tinkered on the blog last night trying to fix the firefox problem. I'm not totally satisfied, but I'm happy to say I've at least improved it.
As far as my fast moving currently reading books, that's due to reading primarily YA and my extended school break. I anticipate that slowing down drastically now that school's in session.
I think I remember from my visit to the Dickens Museum in London, that the young woman who died was his sister-in-law. His attachment to her and distress at her death struck me as odd. I think, however, that she died in his arms (which could account, in part, for his strong reaction)...
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