Eye makeup

My makeup purchases and use tend to be sporadic in nature. I probably have eight different mascaras floating around my room ranging in age from 1 month old to 5 years. Generally, I use whichever mascara I come across first. Mascara is the only makeup I wear with any regularity, so it is the most important. While at a baby shower this summer, I heard several girls singing the praises of Lancome mascara. Just after Christmas, I decided that I needed to find the truth for myself.
At the counter, the sales girl told me very enthusiastically that Lancome owns the #1, #2, #3, and #5 best-selling mascaras (I know you're all wondering what the #4 best-selling mascara is, and I do too, but I didn't dare ask her). She then proceeded to tell me about every mascara Lancome sells. My initial thought was that I should go ahead and just buy the #1 kind; it must be the top selling mascara for a reason, right? But it was the first one she talked about, and by the time we got through them all, I couldn't remember which one it was. In any case, I bought the water-proof curling mascara (I think this was the #5 one, but I'm not sure). The sales girl really wanted to sell me some eye makeup remover too, but I was confident that Vaseline would be able to do the job, so I declined.
Well, I'm here to add my voice to the chorus of Lancome fans everywhere. I really like this mascara; I plan to wear it to the exclusion of all others and I look forward to working my way up to #1. I will finally throw out all my other mascaras of dubious freshness, and the best news is that I'll have more room for eye shadow - something I rarely wear, but always feel the need to buy.
What is so great about it exactly?
Ahh, the golden question.
I have a big problem with raccoon eyes, and this mascara seems quite resistant to that. Also, it doesn't clump.
On second thought, either you trust my opinion or not. I say it's good, period.
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