A movie review - The Baxter

I watched this movie last night. I had seen it advertised in the theater, and thought it looked fun, but it was in an independent movie theater for which I didn't have a discount pass. So, I waited, and netflixed it this week (does it bother you that this is now a verb?). I expected to be mildly entertained, so I was delighted by how very entertained I was! This movie is a quirky love story, which I like, but what I like even better are all of the even quirkier side characters that we meet only once or twice. I think all of the actors did a very good job (and Paul Rudd looked darling as ever). Also, there is a small dancing scene (I love dancing scenes). I was most thoroughly entertained (I laughed out loud during several scenes); so much so that not only am I recommending this movie to you, but I'm going to buy it for my home collection as well. Come by some time and watch it with me.
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