Jersey Boys

I finally saw Jersey Boys. I ended up going to the videotaping with Patrick even though it was a Wednesday matinee, and I had plenty of work to do. But I almost never go to the tapings, and Patrick said he wanted me to see it; well, what's a girl to do? I will say that I felt my luck, though. The line outside the theatre for cancellations and standing room tickets was insanely long. I waltzed right in, and got, in my opinion, the best seat in the house. Center, first row of the mezzanine (I was sitting right next to a camera).
This show is intense, it never stops! They just keep singing, and singing, and singing. I don't know if they included every song the Four Seasons ever did, but it seems like they must have. Also, the show is much more adult than I expected. I don't know if it's a common misconception or not, but I equate jukebox musicals with family friendly shows. Jersey Boys shot that idea right out of the water. I've never seen the Sopranos, but I feel like this must be the musical version. There was sex, violence, and oh the profanity. In case you were wondering, Jersey Boys would be rated R if it were a movie.
I guess what it comes down to, is that I'm just not a fan of the jukebox musical. It's too prepackaged, the story's so big that I felt rushed the whole time. It was basically a TV biopic on stage. I understand why people like being there (I had a great time too), but I don't understand how anyone could consider this more of an artistic achievement than an original musical (such as, oh I don't know, The Drowsy Chaperone?) But I will say that I was impressed with the performers. I don't know how it's humanly possible to do what they do over and over again. I'd say the average break between songs is 30 seconds to a minute. It's crazy!
So bottom line, if you go to Jersey Boys, you'll have a good time. It won't change your life, it's not a great show, but it's fun. And there's no way in heaven and earth that it should have won the Best Musical Tony.
Way harsh, Ty.
Not that it's not true.
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