Movie Review: Failure to Launch

Erin and I went to a free screening of this movie last night, and we paid too much. I really thought this movie had potential, but that must have been because I didn't really know anything about it. The movie is about a 35-year old man (Matthew McConaughey) who still lives with his parents, and a woman (Sarah Jessica Parker) who has made a career from getting guys to move out on their own. The premise is fine, and if they just stuck to it, and made a basic romantic comedy, they would have been fine. It wouldn't have been a great movie, but it would have been okay, and probably praised from it's target audience. Instead, they tried to broaden the appeal of the movie by giving McConaughey two friends, and plugging in scenes of them participating in extreme sports while they talk about his relationship. This doesn't fit in very well, and I doubt it will trick too many guys into seeing the movie if they don't have to. But here is the worst part, by far; they've tried to justify puerile animal vs. human fights by calling it a metaphor for McConaughey's "unnatural" fight against living his life. That's right, there are several encounters between McConaughey and some "seeming innocent" woodland creature, which end in violence. It's ridiculous, jarring, and completely unnecessary. I cringe to think of the huge amount of money they spent on the special effects required for their animal stunts; all of which should have found their way to the cutting room floor. And if that doesn't frighten you enough, I will add that there is also gratuitous middle-aged nudity I assume for comedic effect, although our audience seemed mostly disgusted. I'll stick up for the guy (Terry Bradshaw), I didn't think he was disgusting, but I would have preferred it if he kept his clothes on.
Overall, this movie is a must-skip. Consider yourselves warned; if you choose to go see this movie, you've only got yourselves to blame.
Sounds terrible. I hate it when a movie is ruined because they don't keep it simple. That's what people want out of a romantic comedy, don't they know this? People go to them to see pretty people and cute scenes, not weird and disturbing metaphors. I wouldn't have gone to it anyway, but thanks for the warning.
Phew! Dodged a bullet on that one. Though seeing as it's a romantic comedy, I don't find SJP attractive (one of the only possible reasons to see such a film), and the title is a bad pun, the chances of me seeing it were pretty minimal. But if anyone attempts to coerce me into seeing it I'll refer them to your review.
Christopher, you have already admitted to seeing very crappy movies for no discernable reason on your blog, so I will not be at all surprised to see your review of this.
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