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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Richard Greenberg does it again

I start by admitting that I have not seen Take Me Out, and I believe my friends that it was a wonderful play. However, I have now seen three Greenberg plays, and I have not liked any of them. Well, that's a bit harsh, there were parts of two of them (Naked Girl on the Appian Way & House...)that I liked, but overall none of them were very good, and one was a super stinker (The Violet Hour).
So, I used my beloved Lincoln Center Theater student subscription to see The House in Town in the Mitzi E. Newhouse (LCT's off-Broadway theatre), and I was looking forward to it. I had a great seat, it was a period piece (as you know, I have a predilection for them), and on of my favorite actresses, Becky Ann Baker, is in the ensemble.
The play is about a well-to-do couple in 1929. He's a Jewish store owner, and she's a protestant mild mannered, dutiful wife who's one sorrow is never having been able to have children. In most scenes they are interacting with their best friends, also a couple made up of a doctor and his socialite wife (that's Becky!!). The last character is a young man whose mother worked at their store, but has now died, so he's working there to support himself. (and here's a spoiler, but it's so obvious that I don't even feel like I'm giving anything away, this boy is the store owner's illegitimate son from an affair). I can't bring myself to go into any more details - the plotline rambles around with false leads thrown into almost every scene; it makes me tired just thinking about it. What annoyed me most, however, is that it had the potential to be a good play, it just wasn't. And of course, the big, dark secrets that come out at the end were obvious from the beginning. And my biggest problem of all was the lead, Jessica Hecht. She's just the kind of actress that I want to like (quirky, seems smart, charactery), but I just don't ever like her. I've seen her on TV, in movies, and a couple of plays, and I have never once liked her performance. And that's all there is to it.
Still, the set was beautiful, and I always, but always, enjoy my Becky Ann Baker.


Blogger Catherine Elizabeth said...

Rachel-I totally agree about Becky Ann. I'm sure I told you about how I made a fool of myself when I broke my rule of never speaking to celebrities to tell Becky Ann how much I love her at the Assassins opening night party? I made myself look like both a freak and a geek all at once.

6:34 PM  

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