'Tis but a trifle...

Nevertheless, it was quite an adventure, and the end result was edible, if not as pretty as I would have liked. At least it didn't include meat, right?

It was a lemon-raspberry trifle with almonds, and the next time I make it, I know it will be beautiful. I remembered about five minutes before people arrived why it is that I don't make new recipes for company (they usually taste alright, but presentation is not my forte), but at that point it was too late to turn back, and besides, I couldn't make it without them anyway because this is not my trifle dish, it's Peter's. So I pulled my very flat cake out of the oven, and we did what we could (Jen and Kevin helped too). Actually, if you'd never seen a trifle before, I think this one looks pretty good. All it's really missing are the layers by which a trifle is defined, but other than that, I don't see any problems, do you? Oh yeah, the flat, dense cake. But really light fluffy cake is totally overrated, right? Okay, I can't justify it. For a trifle, this is really a disaster, but for a non-trifle, it's an absolute masterpiece. I think this could be big, I really do. The dessert of the summer of 2006: The Layerless Trifle. Quick, all of you serve one at your next dinner party, and we can make this happen. Are you with me?

I think it looks fine. And those are some monster raspberries! As long as you serve it with confidence, noone will think twice or second guess you. As Travis likes to quote one of his BYU professors, "Confidence is sexy". Isn't that kind of a creepy thing for a teacher to say? And no, this was not the same professor who asked him out.
next time you're in NY you make your peanut chicken for me, and I'll make you a layerless trifle AND failure cookies. Deal?
I want to hear about Travis getting asked out by a BYU professor!
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