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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Old friends and people I've seen before

I spent the weekend unexpectedly thrust down memory lane. It all started with a phone call on Monday night from a dear friend, saying she'd be in town for one day on business. Thursday night, I met her at her hotel (The Palace-ever heard if it? I hadn't but the name is no exaggeration. I wasn't even sure they'd let me in, slob that I am), and we went out to dinner. As we sat across from each other over dinner, I was struck by how different our lives had become. We met in an acting class in college, and at that time our similarities far outweighed our differences. But at this point in our lives, she's had a very successful career, bought a house (on her own), got married, and will soon enter the realm of motherhood while I, well we all know what I've accomplished (or rather, not). But I just adore her, and for some reason she likes me too, and we had a great time until far too late into the night.
Friday I talked to another college friend on the phone, who told me he wished we were back in school. I agreed that we'd had some good times, but come on, there was plenty to dislike as well.
Saturday I went to a stake church activity (I know you're shocked, but I have a new goal to go to every church activity that I have no good reason to miss. Luckily, I decided that finishing a school project was a very good reason to miss the pornography fireside last night), and I ran into a girl I hadn't seen since my sophomore year of college. She took one look at me and said, "Why Catherine, you're all grown up!" I had thought I was all grown up in college, and I'm fairly sure that I at least look the same, but nevertheless, I submitted to a hug, and again found myself talking about old times and people I'd forgotten I'd even known.
Later in the same evening, I was introduced to a girl who looked very familiar, and then she said the dreaded, "Are you a Sorensen?" This has happened to me countless times. I guess because my family moved around a fair bit, and we all look so much alike, I have Mormons approach me all the time who, if they don't remember me specifically, they do recognize me as a Sorensen, and have clear memories of us as a unit. Usually I have no idea who they are, and so just try to play along. Luckily, I was able to dredge up a family name for this girl as well, but I truly could not remember her specifically. She mentioned two sisters who I did remember, but I really had no idea if I was meant to really know this girl, so I acted probably way too friendly to try to cover the fact that I had drawn a blank. Doubt if she bought it.
Anyway, I hope that I'm done with running into my past for a little while at least. It's exhausting.


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