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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Blogging about blogs

A year ago, I only had a vague idea of what a blog was. Shocking, I know, but true. I have a couple of cousins that write on Mormon group blogs, but it was really too much for me to try to keep up with that. I found out that a couple of my friends had blogs too, and I thought it was so strange; what could you possibly think of to write on a blog, and who would read it?
Then I changed jobs, and I found myself, almost on a daily basis, waiting anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes several times a day for my boss to get off the phone, or to stop talking to someone because I needed something from him before I could continue my project. That's when the wonderful world of blogs came to life for me. I started by just reading the blogs that my friends and family wrote, and then I found blogs that people I'd known in college were writing, and I read their friends' blogs, etc. It was fun to see what people were up to that I didn't keep in regular contact with. And now, here I am, reading a fistful of blogs on a daily basis, and getting emotionally involved in people's lives who I have never met. I recently had a conversation with one of my sisters all about a girl (who neither of us actually know) and how surprised we were at her recently announced pregnancy, and the affects that might be having on her fertility challenged sister (whose blog I also read). We both thought it was weird that we were so invested, and that we were even having the conversation, and yet, these sisters update their blogs almost daily, and I just cannot stop reading them! And of course, as you might have noticed, I've picked up the blogging habit myself. I figure it's a good way for people to get as little or as much of me as they want. Not to mention it gives me the chance to go on and on about everything...
Here are a few blogs I like to look at on a regular basis:
This blog makes fun of celebrities wearing bad clothes, which is always fun. Plus, it usually gets updated several times every afternoon.
This is another entertainment blog. It has far too much coverage of Britney Spears life, but it's a fun read. Gets updated once a day (including weekends!).
You've probably heard about this blog. It's very interesting, but it can sometimes be a little graphic. Updates once a week.
Having spent years in "customer service" positions, I particularly enjoy this waiter's blog. He usually updates several times a week.
My friend Clara turned me on to this blog. It's written by a NYC taxi driver. She seems to update once or twice a week.
I'm ashamed to admit that I regularly look at this blog, but what can I say? They update daily, and sometimes a girl just wants to see a really cute picture.


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