All good things come from Canada

I saw The Drowsy Chaperone. I am in love. I can't give an objective review of this show, because I loved it, and am slightly obsessed with it. Let me set the scene:
I've heard buzz about this show for six months at least, so I knew I needed to get in early, or it would get very difficult. They have a lottery for the first row of the orchestra an hour before curtain-$25. They started performances last week, but I couldn't make it, so I went to try this Monday (most theatres are dark on Mondays, but for some reason not The Drowsy Chaperone). I waited through the lottery, but I didn't get picked. So Tuesday night I went again, my plan being to go to the lottery every night that I didn't specifically have something to do, in hopes of getting lucky eventually. But you know I'm not lucky, so I wasn't expecting anything. While waiting on Tuesday, I ran into several other Mormons (two of which already saw the show last week), so we waited together. One of them, apparently, is very lucky, and it must have rubbed off on me because I won! In fact, we all got in, which was crazy! So already the night felt kind of magical.
So, we go to the show. Rush or lottery tickets are usually the first row of the orchestra because those are considered too close, and not good. Normally I would agree, but this theatre has a lot of space between the orchestra and the first row, and I thought they were great seats. I was right in the center of the row too. The lights went down, and there was a little monologue in the darkness. From the first joke, you could hear laughter throughout the theatre. It was a great audience. From the time the lights came up until the curtain call, I was in heaven. The premise of the show is that a musical theatre nut is listening to the record of one of his favorite old 1920's musicals one night, and while he listens, we get to watch the show. It's got the stock characters, the ridiculous storylines, and songs that have nothing to do with anything. I loved it! All of the performers are really great, and they know I think so, because I was a complete dork the whole show. I mean it, I was grinning from ear to ear, the whole time, I laughed out loud at every joke (and there were some I really shouldn't have), and after every song, I clapped like my mother does (clapping really hard with my hands raised high). It was great. I didn't get to see Sutton Foster in thoroughly Modern Millie (her understudy was great, but it wasn't her), but I feel like she more than made it up to me with this performance. She was really magnificent. I loved Millie, but I will never forgive them for taking 'Tap Tapioca' out of the show for the Broadway version. Would you believe that The Drowsy Chaperone has a very similar number? I think I almost hyper-ventilated when I realized what was happening right before my eyes. It's called Toledo Surprise, and not only is it a silly song about food (kind of, you'll see), but it's got a crazy dance, and everyone on the cast joins in! I was so happy.

And it went on from there, every scene better than the last. It really felt like they wrote this show just for my own personal enjoyment. There was even no intermission (I hate intermissions). And did you know this show was written by Canadians (you should from my post title)? It couldn't get any better. I loved the set, the costumes, the story, the actors, the orchestra, etc. As soon as the show was over, I wanted to watch it again. It's against my policy to see shows more than once (it's too expensive, and there are so many shows to see, it just seems a waste), and I'm positive that we'll tape it, but I can't help myself. I must see it again. It's killing me that I won't be able to try again for two weeks! But when I get back, you'd better believe I'll be at that lottery every chance I get, until I get in again, and maybe again after that. Any time you want to try, just let me know, and I'll be there. I fully intend to become a groupie. What do you think we'll be called? Rent has Rentheads, maybe we can be the Drowsers?
Click on the posting title to visit The Drowsy Chaperone website. Click on the following photo to watch a video of the cast of The Drowsy Chaperone rehearsing:

Ooo Catherine, you're blog is so interactive, I'm impressed. Are you so links savvy thanks to your computer classes?
Do you have something against being the Chaperones? It seems that groupies do chaperone their shows....
Loved your review, and loved seeing this show with you and other good theatre friends (second time already--count me a 'Chaperone').
AHHH! Tim likes my suggestion--you have good taste, Tim.
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