Kiri the wonder cat

So I spent last week in Rochester with my brother, Eric, my father, and my sister's cat, Kiri. I'm very allergic to cats, and I planned to keep a polite distance from Kiri, but this quickly proved impossible. For one, she wasn't having it, and for another, she's so darn cute I couldn't resist playing with her. She's an ocicat, and I don't really know what that means, but I think maybe it means a cat/dog/bird mix. I say this because this cat sounds like a bird, and acts like a dog; it's quite funny. She has a high, little meow that almost sounds more like a bird's chirping to me than a cat's meow. And Kiri plays like a dog. She plays fetch, something I didn't think cats do. Oh sure, they'll chase things, anything, but I've never seen a cat bring it back before. Kiri has a collection of little colored balls, and when you throw them, she chases it (or sometimes catches it in midair), and then runs back and drops it at your feet to throw again. It's pretty fun and funny, at least for the first half hour; after that I would try with limited success to convince her we were done playing. She also does somersaults - although not intentionally. She likes to flop at your feet, or if you're scratching her chin, she usually rolls around on her back. She'll do this even if there's not really room to (say if you're standing next to the wall, or sitting in the corner of the couch), and the result is often her rolling right over her head and onto her back. Don't know if you can picture it without seeing it, but trust me, she does somersaults. Anyhoo, next time you're in Rochester, be sure to spend some time with Kiri the wonder cat; it's pretty fun.

I am almost positive you spelled her name wrong.
And thus we see how it is unwise to name your children weird "celtic" names.
I feel like that Kiri in the top picture is glaring at me, its kind of creepy. I like the bottom pictures though. I thought that was how Meg spelled Kiri.
I think Kiri and Jellybean should be friends, don't you??!!
Catherine, you are correct in your spelling. I was chatting with Meg the other day and asked about "Kieri/Kiery" and she said they changed it to Kiri, "for simplicity". You are so in the know. Does she like children now? Or will Luke still repel? If so, will I still be seen as "mom" and not "child". Mom said that Kiri knows the difference and will only cozy up with "child".
I think people are vastly overestimating the cat's thought process.
Did you know that the cat's IQ is only lower than that of the monkey or ape in the animal kingdom? I learned that from some string cheese packaging the other day.
Just curious, how do they test animal IQ? Does it involve a scantron?
Laura I'm pretty sure dolphins and pigs beat out cats in the IQ department. Yes, who would have ever thought that about pigs.
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