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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Harlem Ward Highjinks

Here's a real announcement from the podium on Sunday:
"There'll be a linger longer pot luck today after church. Please bring a dish to pass."
Ummm, you can't make an initial announcement about a potluck on the day of, and hello! It's Easter! Do you really want to have a ward pot luck dinner on Easter!


Blogger Ranteumptom said...

This isn't in regards of your kooky ward, but your reading choice of Neverwhere. You'd better watch out, reading Gaiman starts a slippery slope that could lead you to comic books. Along with Alan Moore he's considered one of the artsy comic book writers. But it's probably worth the risk since he is pretty cool. Who else could be involved with Babylon 5, Tori Amos and Miyazaki?

11:05 PM  
Blogger Amy-Alisa said...

Wow, Catherine, I think you just got a slight nod of approval from Christopher. Maybe more like a head tilt, but that's more than most of us have managed. Congratulations.

11:06 AM  
Blogger Catherine Elizabeth said...

My pride compels me to point out that this is not my first Neil Gaiman book. I started with his books for younger audiences, true, but I've also read Anansi Boys. I've also read Neil's blog:

9:14 AM  

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