Bacon and Eggs

I was forced to stay up until 12am the other night because my favorite episode of Will & Grace was on (to be fair, I haven't seen every episode of the show, but I don't think I could possibly like any episode better than this one.) The main storyline is that Jack is stalking Kevin Bacon, and then becomes his personal assistant. I love this episode because of three things:
Jack is really funny in this episode: KEVIN: This is serious. This is gonna freak you out... but... I have a stalker.
JACK: [GASPS] No! Are you sure?
KEVIN: Damn it! Kyra didn't believe me either! Why is it so hard for everyone to believe that I would have a stalker? Just--just find him for me, all right?
JACK: Oh, I'll find me--him! And when I find him, I am gonna stop me--him.
KEVIN: Okay. But it's not gonna be easy. This guy is slippery. If I had a dollar for every time my jock strap had been stolen from the gym--
JACK: You'd have $186!
JACK: [LAUGHS NERVOUSLY] A-heh-heh. It's just an expression!
Grace is really funny in this episode: KAREN: Listen, honey, I'm gonna go grab some lunch with some of the other gals from the typing pool. Oh! It's Zoey's birthday. Fran made cupcakes.
GRACE: Sheesh... Cupcakes! Friggin' nutbag.
GRACE: [SING-SONG] Ca-ray-zy! [This line reading is the best ever. Unfortunately, you have to see her do it, so I can't share it with you, but trust me. It's golden.]
LEO: Am I interrupting something?
- Karen is really funny in this episode:
KAREN: No, no. Grace is right. We made commitments to our husbands. Nothing's more important than that. I'm just gonna have to march up there and tell Lionel, "You're sleazy and shameless. I hate that, and we're through!"
KAREN: You're sleazy and shameless! I like that, but we're through!
- Will and Kevin Bacon do the Footloose dance.
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