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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Stumbling seductress

I know, I know; no one wants to hear about my dreams. But I'm worried about what seems to be becoming a trend. A couple of weeks ago, I dreamed that I ran into Dustin Hoffman (who, I'll admit has a certain charm in The Graduate, but who I do not in any way find attractive now) on night, and I tried to get him to go out with me. I don't mean I wanted to hang out with him, I mean I wanted a date; I wanted to make out with him. We were sitting in the park, and I kept putting my hand on his thigh, and he kept taking it off again. I had no success there. Oh, did I mention that he was blind? I don't know if that has any significance whatsoever, but there you have it.
So last night, I dreamed about this guy that I had a big crush on in high school. I haven't seen him in years, but I do know that he got married a while ago; I think he has some kids too. Anyway, I dreamt that I ran into him again, and he'd gotten divorced (which I was happy about - bad of me, I know), but he was engaged to another girl already. In fact, we were going to his wedding. Did this stop me from trying to win him over? Oh no. I was shockingly forward. In the car I was sitting as close as possible to him, I kept needlessly touching him, and I was giggling a lot; it was nauseating. When we got to the wedding, for some reason he sat down in the audience with me and my friends, and was just going to run up and do his part when we got to it (there were some speeches and musical numbers first). I continued to attempt to seduce him! I was brazen, I tell you. He was not as unresponsive (or I guess negatively responsive) as old, blind Dusty, (he even seemed to be enjoying it), but he wasn't calling off the wedding either. I woke up before I embarrassed myself by kissing him, which I'm pretty sure I was about to do. Oddly, in my dream this guy, who has perfectly normal hair, as I recall, had acrylic hair. I don't mean he was wearing a wig, I mean his hair was like a wig.
What is wrong with me? Why do I only try to seduce mean that have some physical flaw? Wait, why am I trying to seduce men? What if I start acting like this in real life?


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