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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Back in business

I know my blog has been a bit sparse the last couple of weeks; I was busy trying to do a good job at work and finish up my final projects for school. Now I'm back, and for my first official summer post, I'd like to inflict one of my final projects on you. It didn't turn out as impressive as I would have hoped, and I thought about spending the extra 10 hours it would take to make it a little flashier and hopefully impressive to you, but I've decided I'm far too lazy for that. So, here is my effort to try and make myself look good. First, look at my website from last semester, and then look at this semester's website. I'm hoping that by comparison at least, this semester's project will look a little bit better. And please remember, the theme was not my own, it was assigned.


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