Friday night plans

The temple closed for two weeks for maintenance, so that means I got two Friday nights off. I pledged two things for these precious Fridays; that I would wear jeans to work, and that I would do something really fun on Friday night to celebrate my freedom. Last Friday went great. I wore my jeans and after work I headed over to MOMA to catch the Pixar exhibit just before it closed. It was really fun, and on the way home I stopped at the store and bought some Edy's Dreamery Black Raspberry Avalanche (see 'My latest crush').
Now it's Friday again. I'm still excited that I have tonight off, but I have to admit, it's not going to be such a good time as last week. I'm not wearing my jeans because they're dirty, along with almost everything else I own. Which leads me to what I'll be doing tonight. That's right, it's Friday night at the laundromat for me. I know it doesn't sound that great, but it'll be a good time to get some school reading done(even though I'd much rather be reading Into Temptation, it's so scandalous!), as well as get some clothes to wear. Seriously, I'm wearing the underwear I hate, and socks that don't actually match each other, or what I'm wearing. Good times. Maybe Edy will join me again this Friday, I'm sure he doesn't mind Friday night at the laundromat. Wishing you all a more exciting but just as productive Friday night as mine.
I am scanning a book in to computer files for a hideous group project. You can't beat that! (plus, I have a headache)
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