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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Friday, February 24, 2006

lost love

I was just thinking the other day how I hadn't had a crush on a real person in a really long time (I'm talking years). Usually I reserve those feelings for movie stars and literary characters. But today I got a little reminder of how soon we forget. You see, I answered my boss' phone, sounding very sophisticated and professional (it's my story), and then the voice on the line said, "This is Ralph Howard." The rest of the call probably lasted about a minute (boss was unavailable-I had to take a message), but I assure you I sounded like a complete idiot the entire time. That is because I have a huge crush on Ralph Howard, and how I forgot about him so soon, I don't know.
Who is Ralph Howard, you ask? He's a retired radio interviewer who used to volunteer at the library once a week. He left shortly before Christmas to take a job working with Howard Stern at Sirius Radio. He's old enough to be my grandfather, or pretty close. Normally that's not a turn on for me, but I will say that Ralph Howard is a very good looking older man. What is more, he is very funny and personable, knows a lot about theatre and is heterosexual (the last two qualities are difficult to find in tandem).
His personality and dapper good looks alone would be enough for an infatuation, but I wasn't smitten until the day he brought in his cousin's address for me to look at. You see, the week before he'd asked me where my family lived, and upon hearing Rochester he told me his cousin lived there too, and wouldn't that be funny if they knew each other. Typical small talk that doesn't really mean anything. But the next week he brought in the address to show me, asking me if I knew where it was (I did), and how close was that to my parents (pretty close), and a little more along that line; again, small talk. But the fact that he had thought of me during the week, remembered to find his cousin's address and bring it in, and initiated another conversation with me when he didn't need to - these things put little hearts in my eyes, and music in my ears, and I was never able to speak to him normally again.
I was really sad when I heard he was leaving (I had always looked forward to seeing him, if not speaking to him, on Thursdays), but it was probably for the best. He is, after all, happily married to a successful (still working) Broadway actress. There was never any hope for me and Ralph. But I won't give up. You never know what the next library volunteer will bring.


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