When I grow up I want to be a librarian

My DVD collection outgrew the two shelve units I had which not only meant that I had to buy another, but that I got the pleasure of reorganizing my movies! I should have figured out a long time ago that I should become a librarian for many reasons, but one of the most obvious tips should have been the pleasure I've always derived from arranging my books, cds, and movies. Rearranging items on a shelf can keep me happily engaged for hours.
I decided to arrange my movies by category, although this would probably not be obvious to anyone looking at them. Here are my categories for now (subject to change at my whim):
Family films (further subdivided by animated and live action, and Disney and non)
Teen comedy
Classics (with all the Cary Grant movies together)
Mini-series and box sets
Erin suggested I label them for her convenience, which I might do (I can bring my label maker home from work, and it would be fun), but I know I have to rearrange soon. My literature section is full, and I just ordered Sense and Sensibility and Ideal Husband from Amazon (they're my birthday presents to myself), and that's where I want to put them. Oh well, rearrangements due to acquisitions are the sweetest of problems.
*Just in case anyone intends to make a comment about my non-regulation categorization, I have two things to say: 1) I don't take cataloguing until next semester, and 2) this is a private collection, and that means I can do whatever I want.
I don't have any problem with your categories (they ar very Blockbustery), but the fact that you have a enought TEEN COMEDIES to make it a section, troubles me.
I could have sworn I saw Sense & Sensibility on one of the shelves the other day...
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