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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Monday, March 13, 2006

They think I can do what?

I've been in the new ward for a couple of months, and I knew that sooner or later a calling would be coming my way. As you know, I had high hopes of getting to work in the Primary (the children's organization) since my favorite calling to date was the year I was a Sunbeam teacher before moving to Manhattan. I had even decided that I was going to talk to the Primary president, and volunteer to serve as a substitute, hoping that would lead to a permanent calling. As it turns out, every week I chickened out of talking to her. What happened instead was that I played the piano one day in RS because the regular pianist wasn't there (you know, one of the five hymns I can play without practicing), and the next week the RS President found me after Sacrament Meeting and asked if I would go play in the Primary that day. I told her I would be happy to if they couldn't find anyone better, because I don't really play that well, but apparently I was already their last resort, so to Primary I went. It was fine; I did mostly one-handed playing, but the kids were very forgiving. At the end of church, the Primary president thanked me for helping out, and asked me my name. I told her, and I said I was always happy to help out " as a teacher, or anything you need." I hoped that my dismal playing would be enough for her to realize that I'm really not good enough to play the piano, but by offering to help out, she might think if me for something else. Anything else. I would have been thrilled to be a Primary teacher, chorister, in the presidency, anything. Just not playing.
Perhaps it's karma for wanting to choose my own calling. I was called yesterday to be the Primary pianist. I couldn't say no, but sheesh, I hope they aren't sorry. People who don't play often think that if you play the piano, that means you can play anything, but that is so far from true. I went through the songbook yesterday to make a list of the songs I needed to learn to play right away, but I stopped after I realized I was writing down about every third song in the book! I'm sure this calling will be a good growing experience for me, but I hope they don't end up regretting it. And playing during Sacrament meeting (Mother's day is only two months away!), well, I'll be surprised if I don't have a stroke. Wish me luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a recent post somewhere (MS? T&S? BCC?) about how being primary pianist is the best calling in the world. I think you will do fine, and learning all those songs now is bound to come in handy in the future, too.

10:08 PM  

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