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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

So you wanna be a Sorensen?

In response to Christopher's post on what is or isn't a deal breaker for him in a relationship, I've compiled a few requirements for any potential spouse of a Sorensen. This list is in no way definitive, please feel free to add-on. I especially invite comments from Travis and Sylvester on skills they think might be needed when joining the Sorensen family.

  • Must have a healthy tolerance for chaos (with 12+ people every activity is chaotic)
  • Should be willing to carry on a conversation primarily in movie quotes
  • Must be willing to perform in Sorensen family musical numbers
  • Should enjoy a good game of "This is me, being you, being me" and other made up games of the like
  • Must accept reading at the table during breakfast as acceptable behavior
  • Must be able to speak your mind and willing to agree to disagree (we are all very opinionated, and seldom do we all agree on anything)
  • Cannot expect adult behavior from Sorensens when 3 or more are together


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't witnessed a "This is me, being you, being me" game in a long time. I don't know if it should be a Sorensen family qualifier any more.

8:55 PM  
Blogger Catherine Elizabeth said...

It's the spirit of the thing. There needs to be an appreciation for silliness. And any time you want to go a few rounds of "this is me, being you, being me." come right on over.

10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not sure I can cut it as a Sorensen

10:27 PM  

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