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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Wild and Crazy Gal

Erin's gone for two weeks, which means I'm left all alone to run wild in the swinging bachelorette pad. Erin's the best roommate ever, but I enjoy having the place to my self every now and then. It's especially good for playing my music too loud and having apartment wide dance parties in states of semi-dress (normally I have to keep that kind of behavior confined to my room). Last time she was gone I watched The Godfather trilogy (the second one was good, but overall, I don't understand the hype). I don't have any big movie plans yet, but maybe this time I'll do the Alien trilogy. Is that too scary to watch when you're all alone in the house? What am I saying, scary movies are never scary enough; I'll be fine. Then again, I watched 28 Days Later while Erin was gone, and I couldn't sleep for fear that there would be an epidemic in Manhattan and we would be quarantined and I would die in Ha-Hi (Hamilton Heights). But then I decided that I would just swim over to NJ and hitch-hike to Rochester, which sounds like a pretty good contingency plan for any major emergency, so I got things covered.
Anyhoo, if any of my friends are worried about my sanity while I'm left to my own devices, please do come and visit for a while. Just be sure to call first, in case there's a dance party going on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good call on the Godfathers. My theory: they are male movies. I hate to relegate a movie to a sex, but they are action action action with no character, not examination of motivation--nothing subtantive for the thinking sex.

I ask: why watch the Alien series at all ever? Surely you and netflix and come up with something better.

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that I've read Erin is gone, I find the anecdote from yesterday's blog even more unsettling...

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

or I guess that's today's blog...oops

1:44 PM  
Blogger Ranteumptom said...

Micro-movie review.

Alien: Fairly creepy. It's been parodied so often as to diminish some of the major scares.

Aliens: More action oriented. Overall my favorite, but not exactly a compelling story.

Alien 3: Not really worth your time, unless you really need the plot progression to watch Alien 4

Alien 4 (Ressurection): Better than 3, but getting kind of silly by this point. Winona Ryder tags along.

Alien Vs. Predator: Fanboy fodder. I assume you don't care about who would win, so won't care to watch this.

8:03 PM  

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