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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

NY adventure

I wouldn't be able to write this post if my mother read my blog, but she doesn't, so I'll tell you what I saw last night. I decided to go to the laundromat, and as usual, left the house at the last possible moment (9:55 pm) to make it before the cut-off (their official line is that they don't let anyone start doing laundry after 10pm. I don't really believe them, but I don't want to be they one they prove it on). There were a lot of people in the hallway, but that's not too unusual in my building. The first thing that tipped me off to something weird happening was when someone lifted my laundry cart down the front steps for me. I looked up to say thank you, and it was a police officer. I wondered what he was doing there (sometimes there are policeman on my block, but it's not an everyday occurrence), and quickly saw that he had a lot of friends with him. I then saw the police tape that had my building and the rest of the block down to Riverside blocked off. The policeman told me I needed to go across the street to walk up to Broadway, and held the tape up for me to duck under, which I quickly did. I then hurried to the laundromat thinking that I hoped they would be done with their drug raid or whatever it was before I got back; having to duck under tape to get to one's building is most inconvenient.
Upon my return at 11:30 things had calmed down a bit. There were only four policeman left, and the taped off portion had decreased to just my building. I walked around to where I could duck back under the tape, hoping the policemen would remember that I lived there, and I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. They didn't pay much attention to me, and as I passed, I saw what they were standing around. There was a corpse about three feet from my front steps. That gave me a moment's pause, not having encountered too many dead bodies in my somewhat sheltered lifetime, but I didn't want to risk having to speak to policemen, so I continued into my building. I scanned through the news programs to see if there was anything about the dead guy on my street, but it was all sports coverage by that time. So, I'll probably never know about what happened in front of my building last night. The scariest thing about the whole experience was actually that I was far more annoyed by the inconvenience to my trip to the laundromat than frightened by the possible/probable violence in my neighborhood. Even with my jaded attitude, that's the second scariest thing that's happened where I live. If you haven't heard about the scariest night I've spent in a NY apartment, let me know, and I'll tell you about it sometime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catherine, I find this anecdote very unsettling. I think you should move.
(and I think Gabe would agree with me)

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't you notice the body on the way out? Also, the benefit of talking to neighbors is that someone would tell you the details. Maybe make friends with the JW in your building.

I would like to hear about your sacriest night.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Catherine Elizabeth said...

Matt-no need to worry. This is the first time something like this has happened. Probably the guy just died of natural causes seeing as there were no reporters around.

Emily-I didn't see the body when I left because there were a lot of people standing around, and I was awfully concerned about getting to the laundromat by 10. I'll have to ask Paul (my token neighbor friend)if he knows what happened.

3:16 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

I saw a dead body outside my office when I lived in LA. A guy jumped from his old apartment to the sidewalk. A few miles from this, on the same drive home, I saw a dozen LAPD officers pointing guns at some young men who were face down in the road.

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the dead man scarier than the ROUS living in your apartment "courtyard"?

6:24 PM  
Blogger Catherine Elizabeth said...

Nothing is scarier than the ROUS that lived in my "courtyard." Nothing. That rat will haunt my nightmares for the rest of my days.

11:38 PM  

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