Stories of a Future Librarian

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Location: New York, New York, United States

I moved to NYC to become a famous actress, and now I'm working the library. Life's funny that way. I like to bake, and I often stick my foot in my mouth, but I try not to do it at the same time.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

would you rather...

If you could have a flying broomstick or a magic carpet, which would you choose? I can't decide. A carpet might be more comfortable, but I feel like I'd have more control with a broom. What do you think?

a little something sweet

I've been craving a Bit-O-Honey the last little while, but sometimes they're hard to find. The last time I bought one was a couple of years ago at the same little bodega that supplied me with Hershey's mint cookies and cream bars for so long, but alas, they seem to have neither now. A Bit-O-Honey is the kind of candy you find when you least suspect it, so I'll keep my eyes peeled and not give up hope. If you see one, let me know, and if you've never tried one, I recommend you do. I think they're delightful, and it's fun to say.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Too long to be short, too short to be long

Well, my hair has reached the grow out stage that I hate and just in time for another hot, sticky, NY summer. My hair just reaches the base of my neck, and it drives me crazy! It is also not quite long enough to get all of it into a ponytail. Are pigtails my only option? I don't have anything against the hairstyle, but every day seems a bit much. How long is this going to last?

Friday, May 26, 2006

"I'm suddenly feeling very...drowsy"

After several fruitless evenings at The Drowsy Chaperone lottery, last night my friend won! And when my friend wins, that means I win too. Before the show started, I began to get a giddy in anticipation, as well as a little nervous that I had imagined the show to be a little better than it actually was. Foolish Catherine. Of course it's that good! Maybe not for everyone, but for me, this is exactly what a show should be. I know I said it before, but it just reminds me so much of what the movie Thoroughly Modern Millie is for me (and that the stage show kind of, but did not entirely capture) which is complete delight. I just truly enjoy and love every moment. I laughed even harder last night than I did the first time both from being able to anticipate some of my favorite moments, and from seeing things I didn't notice the first time around.
I had told myself that two times would surely be enough for me, but now, I don't think so. I will definitely go when we tape it (that's a given), but I have to say, I think the lottery guy had better get used to having me around. I'm addicted, I just can't get enough. Please come visit me and see this show so that I can go with you! If I keep taking people, than it won't be my fault if I keep seeing it, right? No, I won't say that. I don't need a reason to want to see it again, I just do and that's all there is to it. This is going to be one of those shows that I tell my children about over and over, and go on and on about how I was there to see it all...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

much better

I swear I do work during the day, but I just finished a project, and I googled LM Montgomery, and bing bang boom, I find another quiz that I feel compelled to take! I liked the results of this one much better.

destined for tragedy...

I found a link to this quiz on someone else's blog, and I had to take it. I was really hoping I was Jane Eyre, and was a little dismayed to receive this result. I didn't even finish this book! Guess I need to now. What literary character are you?

The Sorensens take Manhattan

Last Friday I had two sisters, two brothers, and one mother come visit for the weekend, and we had two days to do everything that everyone wanted. That's impossible, of course, and luckily everyone was good natured about it. So here's the play-by-play of what we did do. Friday night I met my family after work and we all put our names in for either the Avenue Q lottery or The Dirty Rotten Scoundrels lottery for my brothers. Eric won two tickets for DRS, so they were all set. We left them to wander the theatre district and went up to Lincoln Center for dinner. We couldn't get into the Mexican restaurant I was hoping to dazzle my mom with, so we ended up at Ollies, which was fine. Then I dropped the girls off at the Met for a 4-hour opera, while I worked at the temple.Saturday morning I got up and made thank you brownies for the AA box office because they got my sisters and mom in to see the long sold out The Pajama Game, (and my friend Scott got the boys into Spamalot!!) and we were all so grateful. It was a good weekend for the Sorensens and Broadway, that's for sure. Then I hurried over to Lincoln Center for a little opera of my own (I was not disappointed that my opera was only 2 1/2 hours-no siree) with Rachel Newcomb! It was very light and fun, although I did wonder how a little how they stretched a 20 minute plot over 2 hours! Afterwards Rachel and I headed over to the nail salon and got pedicures, which was very fun, and then it was time to meet up with the family again. We went to dinner at a diner downtown (say that three times fast) called The Silver Spurs, and it was very fun. Afterwards, since we were already farther so far south (in my opinion), I suggested that we go find the Joseph Smith statue that I had not been to see yet. Luckily Erin led the way, or I assure you, we would never have found it. It was nice, although we were intrigued to see that someone had gone to the effort of scraping one of the sentences on the plaque off. I would have thought I'd have heard about that at church, but I didn't. Anyway, it was fun to see, but once you've looked at it for a couple of minutes there's really nothing else to do, but it had taken 20 to get there, so it felt a little unbalanced. So we walked over to the park to see the Statue of Liberty. I tried to convince everyone to take a ride on the Staten Island Ferry, but Meg was the only one I could convince, so we didn't do that. Instead we walked back to the subway by way of Ground Zero, and ended the night at Ben & Jerry's near my family's hotel. Warning: Their chocolate peanut butter milkshake has nuts. (that was a bit of a shock to me as I was drinking it through a straw) The Rochester party left early Sunday morning, but Anne (who stayed at our house) accompanied me to church. Of course the times you want something crazy to happen, it never does-the week before we'd had two entire sacrament meetings planned, so we had one after the other. I had a great time seeing everyone, and I hope they had a good time too. I always feel slightly stressed playing the hostess, especially in NY which is such an amazing city, I hardly feel I can do justice to it. I guess that just means everyone has to visit a lot, so we get a chance to see everything. Something to keep in mind, Donny Osmond is joining the cast of Beauty and the Beast in the fall; just in case you needed an incentive.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Cherry Lime Rickey

I promised Amy my report of the family visit would be up today, but I haven't gotten there yet. Instead, I'll tell you what I did last night. I went to see a Neil LaBute play downtown, Some Girl(s), which was good. I was very glad because last year's Fat Pig was very much not good, and I know Patrick wants to tape something of his (we've not taped anything since The Shape of Things), and I was relieved to be able to tell him that this was worth taping. It was classic LaBute, and the performances were solid.
Afterwards, I met some friends at a local Soda Shop, I'd heard about. It was really fun; I'd go there again. I ordered a Cherry Lime Rickey, which I'd heard about from Erin a while back. I thought I was sure to like it, but I have to say, it wasn't my favorite. Maybe if there was a diet version, but it was too sweet, not sour enough. Next time, I'll get a milkshake. You can't go wrong with that, right?

Friday, May 19, 2006

Some Friday fun

This website was brought to my attention by my sister Lindsay, and I have to say, it came none too soon. Claire has taken scenes from her favorite movies (ie Bridget Jones Diary) and miniseries (Pride and Prejudice & Horatio Hornblower), and set them to pop songs. I've only watched one so far (a P&P + Robbie Williams music video), but I intend to devote some more quality time watching these masterpieces in the near future. Click on the image above and enjoy!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

What I've been doing

Oh yeah, I was going to post something new an exciting every day this week. Well, as you've noticed, I didn't. Here's what I've been doing instead.
Monday: Tony nominations announced from LPA! Tried to do The Drowsy Chaperone lottery, found out they are no longer doing Monday performances, so went home only to discover that I'd left my keys at work. Fun.
Tuesday: Did The Drowsy Chaperone lottery, didn't go in, but went and had dinner at Say Cheese! One of my favorite places to eat in the theatre district (they served all kinds of grilled cheese sandwiches, in case you couldn't figure it out). Did laundry.
Wednesday: Did The Drowsy Chaperone lottery, didn't get
in, got on the bus to go home, but got off on a whim at the T-Mobile store and bought a new phone. Okay, it wasn't completely on a whim. I've been vaguely contemplating getting a new phone since Christmas because my phone's backlight won't go off, so it drains the battery within a couple of hours. The thing that put me over the edge is that I got my Mary Engelbreit newsletter earlier this week, and they talked about ME wallpaper you can download to your phone. Of course I immediately went to download one, and I couldn't because my phone was too old! Obviously I can't live with the knowledge that other people have ME wallpaper on their cell phones and I don't, so I knew the time had come. Now here's where I eat my words. I went to the store, and I'd already pretty much picked out my replacement phone from online, but when I got there I saw that what I'd thought was a silver phone was actually white. I couldn't take it. The next phone up was black (the silver phones were expensive) which to me, is better, so I got it. I'm ashamed to tell you it's a camera phone. I never thought I'd go there, but I confess, the idea of being able to put pictures on my blog at my whim rather than planning ahead and borrowing Erin's camera, was delightful. So, I'm truly one of the masses. I've taken a couple of pictures (quality isn't great, but what can you expect from a phone?), but I can't figure out how to get them off my phone and onto my blog yet. That'll be my next project.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper

I saw a commercial for this last night, and I bought it at lunch. That's a pretty good response to marketing! The commercial is truly delightful, as is, it turns out, the beverage! It's going to replace my 1-2 times a week Diet Cherry Pepsi habit. Click on the picture to see the commercial that prompted this purchase.

Back in business

I know my blog has been a bit sparse the last couple of weeks; I was busy trying to do a good job at work and finish up my final projects for school. Now I'm back, and for my first official summer post, I'd like to inflict one of my final projects on you. It didn't turn out as impressive as I would have hoped, and I thought about spending the extra 10 hours it would take to make it a little flashier and hopefully impressive to you, but I've decided I'm far too lazy for that. So, here is my effort to try and make myself look good. First, look at my website from last semester, and then look at this semester's website. I'm hoping that by comparison at least, this semester's project will look a little bit better. And please remember, the theme was not my own, it was assigned.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


The past two days I've had people basically begging me to see free movies, and I've had to say no! Movie screenings are one of the bonuses to living in Manhattan. In the spring and fall especially, it's not too hard to find people offering free movie screening passes (it helps if you walk past a movie theatre, which I do every day!)for movies that haven't even come out yet! All it costs is an hour or two of time waiting in line. Frustratingly, most of these screenings take place during the day, and they're rarely happening at the movie theater where you get the offer (don't know why...) So yesterday, a guy walked up to me at the bus stop asking if I'd like to see a free movie starring Cate Blanchett that very evening, in my very own, beloved Lincoln Center movie theater! I was so sad to turn him down in favor of finishing school work that it's a good thing my bus came right then, or I might have changed my mind. Today as I was walking down the street at lunchtime, I got the very same offer for tonight! I suppose it's a lesson in not procrastinating (if I'd finished my paper early, I could have said yes), but oh so painful. You know I'll get no such offers next week when I can do whatever I want.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

One down, one to go...

I turned in my website for Multimedia Production this morning, now I just need to finish everything for Principles of Searching. Hmmm. Sounds easy, but it doesn't feel so easy. Can't wait until next week!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Helena and I have had our ups and downs. In my humble opinion, Lady Jane was her best performance, and it's all been downhill from there. But creative differences aside, I whole heartedly support her latest venture - a line of designer pantaloons and various other undergarments. If I were able to shop at Harrods and had the money to do so, I would be all over that. Click on a photo for more details.

David Blaine is bad luck

I know you're all wondering what's happened to me this week. The answer is David Blaine. For those of you who haven't heard, he's living in a snowglobe for a week at Lincoln Center, and I'm convinced he's bad luck. Work has been crazy, and yesterday my computer went down for an hour and a half - all David's fault. And I'm in my end of semester craze with school work - David's fault again. And I have hair woes, which I can't even get into right now - yes, David did that too. There is nothing that cannot be blamed on that pseudo-Aquaman outside; at least until next week. Come to think of it, I might miss him then when everything's back to my fault.